Crispin Glover brings THE BIG SLIDE SHOW to The Charles on Nov. 19th

3 Nov


Great Scot! It looks like George McFly himself is headed to Baltimore this month and he’s bringing some interesting work with him. The actor will be appearing at The Charles  for one performance of his Big Slide Show at 7:30 p.m. on the 19th of November.

Crispin Glover, best known for his work in Back to the Future (arguably the most normal thing he’s ever done) is an actor who has always positioned himself just off-center from the norm. Glover, who proudly displays Helli0n as his middle name, has made eccentricity and outsider antics an art form. Literally, he’s made it art, and he’s bringing a portion of it to The Charles with him when he comes.

From a really odd stint on Letterman  that would make Joaquin Phoenix envious to some of his musical work (really creepy covers of ‘These Boots Were Made For Walking’ and ‘Ben’), Glover likes to break down preconcieved notions and expectations. About ten minutes of internet perusal and you will have all images of the lovable McFly patriarch out of your head. Recently he’s been doing voicework for films like Beowulf and 9 and directing his own series of avant garde films that he has been taking on tour. Combining surrealistic sets, performers with mental and physical disabilities and odd distortions of classical music, Glover’s trilogy–currently consisting of What is It? and It is fine! EVERYTHING IS FINE –is challenging even by The Charles arthouse standards. I have personally never seen them, and based on reviews and the like, I’m not completely sold on the idea that I should.


Here’s an excerpt from Chuck Wilson’s review at The Village Voice:
 “Drawing deeply from his own life, Stewart stars as Paul Baker, a bookish, middle-aged man with cerebral palsy.Paul’s a learned man, but illness has made his speech too slurred to be intelligible to most people (including us). Certain women, however, understand Paul perfectly and are so charmed by his insight into their inner woes that they go to bed with him—in sex scenes that are clearly the product of Paul’s imagination and are so disturbingly frank that you may well look away. Paul is blissed-out with each conquest, but inevitably, his date will say something that rattles his idealized notions of womanhood, such as “I’m going to cut my hair.” Enraged, Paul strangles that one.”

Read the whole review HERE.

In addition to a viewing of the second film in the trilogy, It is fine!, Glover will be performing the BIG SLIDE SHOW which is apparently a performance piece that combines material from several different books. I’m not completely clear on what any of this will look like, but if Glover is involved, it won’t be easily forgotten and the audience should prepare for something transgressive.

For information regarding the whole event, here’s the listing from The Charles’ website:

Crispin Glover will appear to present his BIG SLIDE SHOW for one performance only! Crispin Hellion Glover performs a one-hour dramatic narration of eight different books that are profusely illustrated. Crispin Hellion Glover’s Big Slide Show will begin at 7:30 and will be followed by a screening of “It is fine! EVERYTHING IS FINE” (2007. Part 2 of the “It” Trilogy), a Q & A and a book signing. ADMISSION: $20.

“Glover’s co-director- David Brothers’ art direction create streets and apartment interiors of hallucinatory luridness. That, mixed with the thunderous soundtrack of Beethoven, Smetana and Tchaikovsky give the movie a relentless nightmare quality. What Diane Arbus was to photography, Crispin Hellion Glover is swiftly achieving as a filmmaker. Training his sardonic eyes on the strange and afflicted he achieves a mad dark poetry on celluloid.”? -Dennis Dermody of PAPER magazine on “It is fine! EVERYTHING IS FINE” (2007 Crispin Glover. 74m. 35mm. Color).

9 Responses to “Crispin Glover brings THE BIG SLIDE SHOW to The Charles on Nov. 19th”

  1. Xiphos November 4, 2009 at 1:44 am #

    So are you going to check it out Jonah?

  2. Bartleby November 4, 2009 at 8:01 am #

    No, I’ve got a Ninja Assassin screening that night. I realize it might not be art, but I’m ok with that. This thing flies just a bit outside of my interest area. I’m a fan of art and cinema, but while I’m acknowledging that what Glover is doing with this series can be defined as ‘art’, it’s not really my personal idea of art.

    That being said, if there is anyone in the area who wants to go to this thing and then write it up, I’d be happy to post the article.

  3. Xiphos November 4, 2009 at 10:42 am #

    I watched the trailor a couple of days ago for Ninja Assassin, it looks pretty good and like it could be a lot of fun. NA will probably be a better time then that Glover thing.

  4. The Great Fatsby November 4, 2009 at 1:54 pm #

    Given the opportunity to be in Maryland that night, I’d actually be quite interested to see this. I always like good ol’ Crispin.

  5. koutchboom November 5, 2009 at 3:35 pm #

    AWWWW MAN! Bart! Your skipping this! Your gonna regret it!

  6. goregirl November 9, 2009 at 1:46 pm #

    I caught Crispin Glover’s BIG SLIDE SHOW a couple years ago at the Cinematheque here in Vancouver. FREAKING LOVED IT!!! Probably the best $20 I ever spent. It is weird and wacky….wonderfully weird and wacky! After the highly entertaining slide show, he showed his directorial effort ‘What is it?’. I can imagine an awful lot of people would come out of this show thinking…What the???!!! It is unlikely you will see anything as unique as the show he puts on though. I loved it, but…It’s not for everyone!

  7. Bartleby November 9, 2009 at 2:35 pm #

    Did you review the event on your site? If so, can you drop the link here in the comments? I’d love to hear more about it. I’m still sort of torn about it. The fact I have a screening to go to that night mostly made up my mind, but it’s not something I still can’t do if it’s worth the time. What makes up the BSS part of the show, beyond Glover performing?

  8. goregirl November 13, 2009 at 1:14 pm #

    Sorry, no review. It was well before my blog, but also not really subject appropriate for my site. It might help, or at least give you some insite into what you are about to get yourself into if you check out his site. He has a clip of the slideshow as well as a trailer for What Is It?

    Cheers, goregirl

  9. M. Blitz December 15, 2009 at 2:42 pm #

    I’m real late to this party, yet I still feel the need to proclaim what a big ol’ crush I’ve got on Crispin Glover……

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