Tag Archives: Jeff Goldblum

Celebrating the Non-Death of Goldblum: Jeff’s Ten Best Roles

1 Jul


July 1st, 2009-

Last week was a rough one for the celeberity world; three taken in the space of only a few days. After Ed McMahon and Farrah Fawcett, Jackson’s death hit like a ton of bricks. The news was sad to be sure, but I hadn’t been keeping much track of Michael recently and had never been the kind of fan others were. Then, when my wife and I got home that night I was greeted by emails and news that Jeff Goldblum had died too. WHAT?? HOW? I was initially heartbroken–I’ve been following his career ever since The Fly and believed he was poised to do something big; afterall the last few projects had been some of his best work even if they flew under the radar of most. Of all the news, this one hit me the hardest. Crap. Jeff Goldlbum. People are only gonna remember him for Independence Day and Jurassic Park, I thought. Well, no they won’t. From here on out we can remember the time we thought Goldblum died. Continue reading